Syston Disabled WC
The residents of Syston have a new facility in their Centenary Park thanks to the Rotary Club of the Wreake Valley. When he was Club President, Rotarian Fred Sleath, was looking for a project for the benefit of the people of Syston. He approached the town manager who suggested the need for a disabled wc facility in Centenary Park. It was high on the list of needs but low on the list of priorities.
The members of the Club supported Fred and the project began with the members setting about raising funds for its construction. Fundraising events including our now popular annual Real Ale Festival were held. Once funds were in place plans were drawn and the necessary permissions obtained. A bulider was contracted to undertake the work.
The facility was completed and formally opened on Wednesday 26th May by Fred Sleath and Ruth Wheeler, widow of the project architect John Wheeler. The keys were handed over to Councillor Josie Branston of Syston Town Council (as the photographs below show) and the wc is now open for use.